San Felasco War Bag Checklist
- Enduring sense of irony
- Withering sarcasm
- Loathing for those more prepared
- Mock pity for those less-prepared
- Extra Excuses
- Extra 15 lbs.
- Feelings of wretchedness
- Resignation to my fate
- Fake smile
- "Special" fake smile for certain Tallahassee factions
- Hope that I will see others suffer misfortune
- Sense of humor
- Collection of special "San Fiasco" nicknames
- Helmet with can of Guiness dangling off the front
- Regret for lack of training rides over the holidays (x 2)
- Off-hand derogatory comments for Full Suspension bikes and riders
- Internal Soundtrack (probably going with Outkast/NOFX)
- Beer to cry in (for later)
- Versatile fantasy life to escape to for a while
- Random items meant to enhance performance (but won't)
- Dread for the middle thirty miles (the rest will be easy)
- Apologies for losing it at some point
- Plenty of blame to go around
- Bale of barbed wire
- Jug of turpentine
Wow. I had no idea organized riding was so gear intensive. What am I forgetting?
William Juancho Wallace
I suppose I could tie it to the handlebars.
Is your pride rainbow-colored??
Enter obligatory BBM joke here:
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