Thursday, August 23, 2007

Why does Oprah put her picture on the cover of every single issue of her magazine? Don't you think that's a little weird?

I guess that's what it takes to make all that money.

Lucky for you folks I don't think like that.


Ride? It's too damn hot to ride. You could die out there.


Nomad said...

I'm back. What virtue? (just kidding) My feet look like raw hamburger meat, and the lactic acid is taking it's sweet time working it's way out of my aching muscles, but I'm still riding the wave of my epic adventure. Will post some pics on my blog in a minute.

You were missed.

Jill Homer said...

You know, you should consider the Oprah approach more seriously ...

Juancho said...

I don't know if my reading public is ready for all Juancho all the time.