Wednesday, April 09, 2008

Separated at Birth?

Thanks Silky for the photo...I'm the one on the left, and that is Bigworm on the right.



Anonymous said...

And that's First Presbyterian Church in the background. I took my wife to our first date there. She claims that it wasn't a date but look at us now. One baby and another on the way.

By the way, this represents a dating loophole that I discovered. A woman cannot refuse you if you ask to come to church with her. She had already shot me down for separate dinner, lunch and movie invitations but she couldn't say no to churchin me up. Lord knows I needed some churchin in those days.

By the way Juancho, love the soul patch. Lookin good.

Dr. D

Fat Lad said...

hang on... your right or my right?

Fat Lad

Juancho said...

Let's keep it vague.

RickySilk said...

It's the shot of a lifetime for an aspiring paparazzo!

Anonymous said...

Like Lindsay and Paris!

Anonymous said...

Which one's Lindsay & which one's Paris?

Anonymous said...

So let's recap:
popular dating spot, dressed similarly, well groomed soul patches, vague roles...

yep, they're a couple, good luck to 'em, it seemed to take for Dr.D and that missus of his is no pushover (except for that "churhin" scam he pulled)

Ms. Moon said...

A woman CAN refuse you if you ask her to come to church with you.
I know quite a few who would.
Glad it worked you for you, though, anonymous.

Anonymous said...

where in the world is the squatch. if you see him or hear from him let him know his buddy bushy is lookin for some road miles....

Anonymous said...

This is worm's wife...WTF...I have been sleeping with the WRONG guy all these years! Haha! Great pic fellas!!!

sasquatch said...

Bushy, I was bringing the car around. John needed a ride to pick up his space suit.

hitops said...

Why is the guy you ID as Bigworm the shorter of the two? Is it just a matter of perspective?

Juancho said...

Yes, Bigworm is standing about 30 feet to my left.

RickySilk said...

I forgot to mention. When my boy saw this picture he said, "LOOK! A PIRATE!".

Juancho said...

"Yes son, that man is a pirate. If you don't behave then you will end up a pirate too."