Well, what does it mean when your little brother turns an age that doesn't sound so little anymore?
Yeah, that's what I thought it meant too.
In celebration of his big day I predict things will go down like this...
Some sort of fried meat
different kind of fried meat with cold beer
Bigtime fried meat extravaganza
I can't wait!
On other fronts-
We rode Munson on Saturday and as we regrouped at the trailhead, one of those Cobra Kai ninnies went past saying something like,"Ride the whole thing bro and the Twilight Zone too!" Jackass, we been riding that trail since you were popping out of your mom's tail, but thanks for the advice.
Yesterday I rode the road bike about 2.7 miles and now my shoulders are permanently pinned back in Abu Ghraibesque pain. If you ride it more than once every six months I guess you can avoid that.
It is Spring in Tallahassee and I had better start acting like it, that much I know.
"Fried Meat" is a good band name!
So is "Popping Out of Your Mom's Tail"!
Very elegant use of wordage!
Happy birthday to your brother, Juancho!
I envy your bike ridin' even more than I envy your great metaphors. See, boring old walking just doesn't cut it for me like trail riding might, but you know you'd have one dead momma if I started NOW!!
Happy Birthday to our big boy! Give him a birthday hug from his other momma who is glad to skip the fried meat but is with him in spirit.
You with the coinages! I guess Abu Ghraibesque sounds more aggro than Gitmo-ish.
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